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The latest Democrat strategy is factually correct, but politically ineffective
Tactics reveal strategies. The Democrats have just changed both and are getting them wrong.
There has been a subtle but important shift in the objective, strategy, and tactics of the Democratic Congressional leadership.
Irrespective of the deafeningly loud case for starting impeachment proceedings (including this week’s revelation), I do not believe the Democratic leadership are about to position themselves as such.
What is, therefore, the change to the objective, the strategy, and the tactics of the Democratic leadership?
I think in the last twenty-four hours we have come closer to understanding that than anytime since Mueller.
The leadership’s objective seems to be them wanting to successfully assimilate the failures of Trump with the failure of the Republican Senate, specifically Mitch McConnell. This makes some immediate sense, of course, when the Senate and the White House are both up for grabs, then why not go for both?
In terms of the tactics that have revealed this objective, over the course of literally the last couple of days both Pelosi and Schumer have tweeted out messages against the general ineffectiveness of the…