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The Democrats did not lose in 2016. But how can they win in 2020?
Everyone knows that Clinton won more votes; just how close was she and how do the Democrats plan for 2020.
“ Our Constitution works” — Gerald Ford, 1974.
Upon being sworn in, President Ford was adamant that the Constitution works. An interesting comment from a man who was never elected, either as Vice President or as President. As such, he was never at the mercy of the electoral college. The mechanism that saw his colleague carry 520 of the (then) 537 votes available, less than two years before resigning the office in disgrace.
The electoral college has ‘worked’ about 91% of the time. By that, I mean, 53 elections out of the 58 done under its stewardship have resulted in the candidate who won the popular vote also winning the Presidency through the electoral college. That said, a failure rate of 9%, has resulted in 5 candidates wrongfully being denied what should have rightfully been theirs. Not since 1888 had this happened. Then, in 2000, Al Gore was denied his promotion from Vice President to the President.
Fast forward sixteen years and it happened again. The candidate who won the popular vote is not in the White House. In 2000 Al Gore beat George Bush by 48.38% to 47.87% but lost by 5…