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Joe Biden’s Primary Turnaround Calls for Learning Not Celebrating (Yet).
Two major flaws are left open in Biden’s campaign. Closing them is a test of his leadership.
There wasn’t one factor that lost the Democrats the 2016 election. It wasn’t just Clinton, it wasn’t just Trump, and it wasn’t just Comey, either. But the large degree of hubris that infected the party made the loss almost impossible to see coming, much harder to take when it did happen, and probably even harder to subsequently understand. With Democrats being equally accused of both under and over-learning from that defeat.
Joe Biden’s primary turnaround now gives him a greater than 99% chance of securing a majority of delegates. Less than two weeks ago, that number was 15%. That turnaround makes fertile ground for hubris to rise again. Not least because for years Biden has been seen as the strongest candidate to beat Donald Trump, since even before the primaries began. Unexpected victories in Massachusetts, Maine, and Minnesota coupled with over-performances in Michigan and Texas create a threat of complacency. There is even talk of Biden ‘crushing Sanders’ revolution’. It is all very self-congratulatory, and that’s dangerous.
Biden is not Obama 2.0 and his coalition, so far, does not represent the same one his former…